Wednesday 16 November 2011

My Moodboard of Ideas

This is my mood board of things that I find scary and have given me inspiration for my own horror trailer. One of the main things I find very scary is religion and the obsession some people have over it and the whole is it real/is it not real argument. I also find the Illuminati and all the conspiracies behind it scary, because it's so real and is actually going on (I have included a dollar bill on my mood board because it links with the conspiracy that the US government are in on the Illuminati). I have also included a photo of the twin towers, the Bermuda triangle and the globe with '2012' written all over it. Simply because I think that things to do with this world are very terrifying because it's REAL. I think that 911 is scary because, to think people thought to do that leaves me questioning what other people may be thinking of doing, are we ever safe? why did they do it? all these questions are un-answerable. The Bermuda triangle is also very scary because we know something goes on there for planes/ships/etc to go missing, but what? and why is there not great effort going in to finding out? (relating back to the US governments questionable role in society). And as for the globe, I think 2012 is so scary, so much tension has been built up to this year where so many things are going to happen, but will they? and many of the reasons we believe in it goes back to religion. It's all a vicious circle! I also find mental illness scary for the same reason - it's real life and it actually happens, and for that reason I have included a picture of the DSM and a mental hospital onto my moodboard.

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